4 Reasons Why Fairfield-Hamiliton, Ohio Homeowners Should Get a Fall Tune-up in September

Sep 1, 2024 | Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter

Getting your furnace serviced in September is a smart move for a variety of reasons—like the current weather, perfect timing, the upcoming season, and safety. Here at Fairfield-Hamilton Heating & Cooling, we want to make sure you’re all set for fall and even more prepared for winter. Skipping a safety and tune-up check means you could miss potential issues with your furnace just when you need it the most. Let’s dive into the four reasons why tuning up your furnace in September is a great idea! 


Reason Number 1 to Get a Furnace Tune-up in September: The Weather 

You might be wondering, “Why now?” Well, it actually makes a lot of sense to get your furnace tune-up done this month. Industry standards suggest checking and tuning up your furnace before you use it for the first time each season. For most people, that means scheduling this service at the end of summer or the start of fall. Just a heads up, fall officially kicks off on September 22nd this year!  

Just a heads up: when we service your furnace, we’ll need to turn it off so our techs can safely and thoroughly check it out. That said, scheduling this HVAC service for this month is a great time, considering the weather!  

Reason Number 2 to Get a Furnace Tune-up in September: The Timing 

Throughout the year, HVAC repairs, replacements, and upgrades are in high demand. But come fall, with the need for air conditioners dropping significantly September tends to be a bit slower. What does that mean for you? It means you’ll probably be at the front of the line to book your appointment. So why not beat the last-minute rush and get your tune-up and safety check scheduled now? 

Noah Beeli HVAC Technician 16

Reason Number 3 to Get a Furnace Tune-up in September: The Winter Season 

Winter, spring, summer, fall… we all know the seasons! So, why not get ready for the cold season now? It’s a smart move to book your yearly furnace tune-up and safety check early in the fall. This way, you’re all set for Ohio’s chilly winter ahead! 

Just think about it: the last thing you want in the middle of winter is for your furnace to start acting up, especially when you could have easily avoided it by scheduling that tune-up in the fall. 

Reason Number 4 to Get a Furnace Tune-up in September: Safety Reasons 

Did you know that carbon monoxide poisoning is pretty common in winter? This happens because people use their furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines more often. The National Safety Council recommends having your furnace, water heater, or any coal-burning appliance checked by a licensed technician once a year. Not doing this could put you, your family, and your home at risk. By keeping up with your yearly furnace checkups, you’re helping ensure it runs smoothly during the coldest months and giving your technician a chance to spot and fix any potential issues ahead of time.   

Fairfield-Hamilton, Ohio HVAC technician performing a fall furnace tune-up.

In short, we firmly believe that scheduling your fall tune-up for your HVAC system in September is the best choice when possible. But we also understand that life happens, and sometimes, things get delayed. So, if the month of September slips by your fingers, all hope is not lost! You can still schedule your furnace tune-up in October or early November.   

As a final bonus reason, remember that keeping up with your annual furnace maintenance checks also helps keep your manufacturer’s warranty valid. If that isn’t an obvious reason to get your tune-up scheduled, we don’t know what is!   

Call Fairfield-Hamilton Heating & Cooling today at (513) 540-1716, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here


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